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Each Objective Is a Bet with Yourself

Author: Jurgen Appelo

My current objective is to have a major release of the unFIX model ready before September 2023. The delivery includes web pages, blog posts, game cards, standard courseware slides, and marketing materials. There is some risk involved because of the uncertainty of the scope, but it's not much. It's a Small-Risk Bet.

An objective gives me direction, focus, and motivation. I choose to spend less time in the next few months on management, automation, and public speaking. I delegate most of the work around community and partnerships to other team members. And I stick to organizing only one workshop per month. I enjoy the focus my objective gives me, and I will enjoy achieving the goal if it turns out my bet is a good one.

Betting on the Future

Objectives are bets on future scenarios. By setting objectives, you are betting on what you believe will happen in the future. You are putting your money, time, and energy on the line to predict what the future will hold. Therefore, it is crucial to set objectives based on a good understanding of the market, customer needs, and the business landscape.

Objectives are bets on future scenarios.

I bet that the world needs a better alternative to agile scaling frameworks. I am betting that organizations are better served to design their own Ways of Working and that they would appreciate a toolbox that helps them do so. That toolbox is the unFIX model, which needs a significant upgrade to become the better alternative.

My objective is a Small-Risk Bet (75%): I aim for full completion of the new release by September 2023, but there is some uncertainty involved because part of what I do is exploration, not execution. This means that when I achieve only 75% of what I set out to do, it would still be pretty good.

Another of my objectives is to enjoy a road trip in southern Italy in July. This a Safe Bet (100%) because I have greatly enjoyed my earlier vacations in Italy; I've made road trips in many other countries, so I know how to plan for such a trip, and the weather and food will be amazing, regardless of what else might happen. In other words, the risk of not enjoying my vacation is practically zero. With this objective, I aim for the full 100 percent.

On the other end of the risk spectrum is my objective to release my next book (a novel) in the summer of 2024. The aim is to sell 50,000 copies in one year. That's a Crazy Bet (10%). I have never published a novel, and I never sold that many copies so fast. The chance of achieving this objective is minimal. Reaching only ten percent of it (5,000 copies in one year) still counts as a great result.

Three Reasons for Objectives

Setting objectives is essential to success, whether in personal or professional life. Without goals, having a clear sense of direction is impossible, and you may find yourself wandering aimlessly.

Setting objectives helps you to stay focused on what is essential. When you have clear goals, it is easier to prioritize your tasks and allocate your resources accordingly. This helps you to avoid distractions and stay on track.

Moreover, setting objectives is crucial to keep motivation and a sense of accomplishment. When you achieve your objectives, you feel a great sense of satisfaction. This can boost your morale and motivate you to set even higher goals in the future.

Change the World or Play It Safe

Some people claim that to truly change the world, you should set yourself 10X goals: have targets that are ten times higher than what you believe is achievable. It is a mind trick to help you think out of the box, reinvent yourself, and force yourself to approach a familiar problem from a completely different perspective. You will never change the world if you always play it safe.

I could have made a Safe Bet with myself of selling 5,000 copies of my next book. I know how to do that, as I've done that several times before. Instead, I made a Crazy Bet to sell 50,000 copies in one year. This means I need to rethink how to do my writing, publishing, and marketing. The type of bet I choose changes everything!

When you set yourself an objective, it is important to understand what kind of bet you are willing to make. Will you set a low bar with a Safe Bet, aiming for 100% completion? Or will you raise the bar with one of the riskier bets, allowing yourself a certain margin of failure? The bet you make with yourself will likely influence your approach to achieving the objective.

The bet you make with yourself will likely influence your approach to achieving the objective.

Setting objectives is critical to achieving success in any aspect of life. By setting objectives, you are making bets on future scenarios, staying focused on what is essential, and providing motivation for yourself. Therefore, take the time to set clear objectives and pick the appropriate betting level, anywhere between Safe to Crazy.

But remember: you will never change the world if you always play it safe.