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Lead the Red Queen Race

Author: Jurgen Appelo

Some people believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will alleviate our workload. They imagine a future where machines handle the tedious tasks while humans focus on more high-level work. However, this utopic scenario might be naive, as history shows technologies rarely give humans more free time. Instead, the advent of AI could elevate expectations and intensify our work lives.

AI is predicted to redefine the professional landscape. Routine and mundane tasks are prime candidates for automation, allowing the human workforce to pivot to more complex, creative work, potentially enhancing productivity and efficiency. However, this transition also suggests a shift in our professional roles; we may find ourselves busier than ever, spending considerable time maneuvering around AI’s limitations and addressing tasks it can’t comprehend or execute.

“It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

— Through the Looking-Glass, Lewis Carroll.

The success of AI in the workplace requires a relentless pursuit of learning and skill development for today’s workforce. Adapting to evolving work environments and mastering new tools and technologies will be crucial to maintaining relevance in the job market. This journey of adaptation will not just be a collective organizational effort but also an individual endeavor. The pace at which AI is advancing leaves little room for complacency.

Some advocates of AI promise it will enhance the quality of our work lives by absorbing routine burdens and enabling a focus on more meaningful work. But the prospect of improved work-life quality is shadowed by emerging worries about work-life balance. The balance between harnessing AI’s potential and mitigating its side effects will require thoughtful implementation.

Artificial Intelligence is not a simplistic solution to our workload woes. It will raise the standards for everyone and necessitates a commitment to learning and adaptability.

Learn more: Behavioral Values, Collaboration Moments, Habit-Forming, Human Drives, Teaming Options, Vision of Experience