How we unFIX our SAFe ecosystem to deliver a better user experience in our Artificial Intelligence Division in the Banking Sector
unFIX SAFe ecosystem to deliver a better user experience

Embrace Digital Team Members
Tight-knit, static teams might become looser, with AI copilots taking over specialist jobs in projects and humans roaming more freely across products where they can make meaningful contributions.

Hard Agile, Soft Agile, and Not Agile
Labeling every non-pure Agile approach as “waterfall” is not helpful. Big Design Upfront only exists in the first quadrant, which we can indeed label as “Not Agile.”

Breaking Bad Dependencies (Not Good Ones)
The idea of end-to-end responsibility is that nothing is blocked in this value stream. But autonomy is an illusion, and it’s impossible to break all dependencies. The problem is that many dependencies are not valuable.