unFIX Public Workshops
Public Workshops
In a world where ChatGPT, deep learning, and Large Language Models dominate the headlines, a remarkable transformation is underway. While the debate rages on about job displacement versus job creation, the true impact of AI might lie elsewhere. It's time to look beyond the surface.
Well, it’s not hard to see in which direction the world is moving: organizations that consist of networked individuals who work from anywhere, who form teams on the fly, who focus on the customer experience (CX), who aim for objectives and achieve results, and make that a whole lotta fun for themselves. Let’s unfix our organizations!
Our unFIX partners offer many public events and workshops, providing different options to get in touch with the unFIX model.
unFIX Foundation
Jurgen Appelo has crafted a standardized Foundation Workshop, where you can learn the purpose and usage of the fundamental unFIX patterns, especially how to use structural patterns to build a better organization. Join a two-day training full of engaging discussions and exercises.
Upcoming Events and Workshops

Improving the company organization design of epharma by using unFIX - structure with 18 bases, organized one unFIX congress and five domains.