Let’s Talk About unFIX
Keynote, Webinars, Presentations and Workshops
Our team is more than happy to offer conference keynotes, company presentations, online webinars, and mini-workshops about the unFIX model. Contact us to discuss the options and our availability.
Possible topics include organization design, dynamic reteaming, continuous improvement, customer experience, strategy and objectives, innovation funnels, decision-making, and case studies.
Jan-Paul Ouwerkerk (CEO), Jens Thiemann (COO), and Jurgen Appelo (CMO/CFO) offer unFIX presentations and workshops all around Europe. Discuss with them the desired topics(s), audience, and location.
Our presentations, webinars, and workshops are consistently best-rated and well-received. But why believe other people? ;-) Try it yourself and contact us for more details.
Same of our Keynotes and Talks

“Manage the System, not the People.”
(Source: Jurgen Appelo)