Distribute or Automate Management
As AI becomes more sophisticated, tasks that were once the domain of middle managers will be easily delegated and automated. The middle management role will continue to change, necessitating continuous learning, adaptability, and a renewed focus on human-centric leadership skills.

Hard Agile, Soft Agile, and Not Agile
Labeling every non-pure Agile approach as “waterfall” is not helpful. Big Design Upfront only exists in the first quadrant, which we can indeed label as “Not Agile.”

Sometimes, You *Don’t* Want Focus
One exception to the idea of keeping focus is when you're working with a portfolio of options. Investors don't want focus; they want diversification to balance their portfolio.

Strategy Is a Many-Dimensional Puzzle
Be skeptical of strategic models, canvases, and strategy mapping methods that let you work in only two dimensions! Strategy is a multi-dimensional puzzle.