Hard Agile, Soft Agile, and Not Agile
Labeling every non-pure Agile approach as “waterfall” is not helpful. Big Design Upfront only exists in the first quadrant, which we can indeed label as “Not Agile.”

I’m Always a Bit Hesitant About Voting
Voting is like water. It’s an essential ingredient for a healthy, social system; but useless and maybe even poisonous when used in large quantities.

Either Cheap, Safe, and Fast, or … Veto!
“No” is not the same as “Heavens, No!” We use the Veto card when facing real failure: experiments that are not cheap, safe, or fast. Everything else is worth trying.

Explore the Nature of Decision-making with The Roadmap of Death Serious Game
Discovering the nature of decision-making is a clear aspect of creating self-organized teams that can take responsibility for their actions. Understanding the available decision methods and applying them with our teams is a giant step toward progress in our companies.