Starter Kit
What is unFIX BRAIN?
BRAIN is the first series of unFIX starter kits specifically designed by Jurgen Appelo for diverse teams. Diverse teams have members with various skills, availability, geographical locations, and/or onsite vs. remote working situations. While other frameworks expect team members to be fully dedicated and collocated, BRAIN recognizes that in many business environments, such constraints are unrealistic. There is a need for a framework that respects a broader variety of ways of working.
What is a starter kit?
A starter kit is a flexible template created for a specific target audience meant to be adopted and adapted to fit a particular context. A starter kit is to a pattern library what one specific LEGO set is compared to a box of random LEGO blocks. An unFIX starter kit is one possible configuration of unFIX patterns. Adopting a starter kit (implementing it as-is) should be the first step. It is expected (and the fun only really begins) when people adapt it to their needs and desires.
What is different about unFIX BRAIN?
Compared to other frameworks, BRAIN has unique characteristics:
Applicable to the entire organization, not only software development;
Evenly balanced regarding product/service discovery and delivery;
Scalable to any number of organizational levels;
Distinguishes between exploration and exploitation portfolios;
Treats dynamic reteaming as the default situation.
How can I get unFIX BRAIN?
Blog posts about unFIX BRAIN are available for everyone. However, access to the central Miro board, PowerPoint slides, and scalable PDF/SVG graphics are available only for our official partners.

“When you try to be everything to everyone, you accomplish being nothing to anyone.”
(Source: “Can a Tool Be Complete?”)