Role Attribute
A Chief carries ultimate accountability for all that happens with the Base.
There are typically multiple Chiefs in a Governance Crew.
The Chief is similar to the Tribe Lead and Chapter Lead in the “Spotify Model“, the Business Owner in SAFe, and the Business Unit Manager in traditional structures.
A Chief is not the same as a Captain. The Chiefs are the only “line managers”, and they only operate in the Governance Crew. The Captains are not line managers and they can operate in all other Crews.
Rules / Constraints
Only a Chief can be the line manager of people working across the Base.
The role of Chief exists only in the Governance Crew and nowhere else.
A Chief does not report to anyone except another Chief.

“The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.”
(Source: Anais Nin)