Dependency Breakers
Track dependencies on a task board with tags or stickers and make them stand out.
Dependency Breakers: Attend • Automate • Block • Contain • Coordinate • Decouple • Flag • Formalize • Measure • Prioritize • Redesign • Reteam • Rotate • Self-service • Standardize • Swarm • Throttle • Toggle • Visualize • Volunteer
Visualizing blockers is crucial for managing dependencies effectively. When you encounter a dependency in your work, use some flagging mechanism to raise awareness within your team, and then focus on resolving the issue promptly. For example, using tags or stickers, you can incorporate visual tracking on your task board. Additionally, it's beneficial to flag known dependencies with notes or icons earlier in your backlog to inform your selection policy.
Dependencies are not necessarily bad. Actually, there are many good reasons for people to depend on each other. But you have a problem when those dependencies result in value that is not able to flow.
Rules / Constraints
We have not yet defined any rules or constraints.

“We have broken the cycle of dependency. People have found out they're better off working.”
(Source: John Engler)