Do You Have an Idea?
Start your own joint venture!
Do you have a great idea for the unFIX model? Do you have a new product, service, or business model in mind? Would you like to join our network of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs?
At The unFIX Company, we draw inspiration from Haier's "micro-enterprises" model, fostering a collaborative environment for intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs. Our joint ventures, integral to the unFIX brand, are looked after by our Governance Crew. These ventures are divided into two categories: internal and external.
Ownership and Organization
An internal joint venture is wholly owned by The unFIX Company and functions as a Value Stream Crew within our organization. In contrast, an external joint venture is owned by a separate entity and operates independently as a standalone business. The level of control our Governance Crew has over these ventures varies significantly, being more hands-on with internal ventures and more hands-off with external ones.
The branding strategy differs between the two types of ventures. Internal joint ventures operate under the unFIX brand (possibly with a qualifier, such as “unFIX shop”), while external joint ventures are encouraged to develop their own unique branding to distinguish themselves from unFIX. (For example, “unFIX workshops provided by SomeCompany GmbH”). Either way, we only permit the use of our logo and brand name through a joint venture agreement. Both internal and external joint ventures can officially present themselves as part of The unFIX group.
Revenue Share
In exchange for access to our support and marketing, we expect all joint ventures to pay a (negotiable) percentage of their revenue to The unFIX Company. For internal joint ventures, this is typically a double-digit percentage (for example, 20-40%). For external joint ventures, this is typically a single-digit percentage (for example, 5-10%). The exact percentage depends on the nature of the business model and the expected involvement of our Governance Crew.
Profit Share
The revenue shares that The unFIX Company generates from all joint ventures are shared (after the deduction of company-wide costs and expenses) as a profit share for Chiefs and intrapreneurs (everyone working for an internal joint venture). This should incentivize collaboration among our intrapreneurs as everyone benefits from helping each other be more successful. Entrepreneurs working for external joint ventures do not participate in this profit share as we have no control over how these businesses are run. (The exact profit share formula will be determined later.)
Expenses, Tools, and Services
Internal and external joint ventures are responsible for their own expenses for joint venture-specific tools and services unless there is a good reason for The unFIX Company to pay for such expenses at the company level (such as email addresses, fees for Google and Slack, website, etc.) We do not charge internal joint ventures for the use of such company-wide tools and services. In the case of external joint ventures, we offer a choice of the use of central tools and services, and we may agree on a monthly fee for their usage.
Team Selection and Compensation
The process of team selection and compensation varies between internal and external ventures. Internal venture leaders can make hiring recommendations, but final decisions lie with the Chiefs. In contrast, leaders of external ventures have full autonomy in their hiring practices. Compensation of team members comes from the revenues generated by the joint ventures themselves (excluding the percentage revenue share going to The unFIX Company). Team members of internal joint ventures can expect a company-wide profit share on top of that.
Bookkeeping, Bank Accounts and Invoicing
Internal ventures use unFIX's centralized financial systems, including our bank accounts and invoicing system, but with separate arrangements for handling transactions. External ventures are entirely responsible for their financial administration, invoicing, and bookkeeping.
Customer Data / Marketing Assets
Internal joint ventures have full access to company-wide customer data and the company has full access to their data. The same applies to all marketing assets such as videos, images, slides, texts, and so on. For external joint ventures, access to our data and assets (and vice versa) is negotiable.
Meetings and Collaboration
Team members from internal ventures are part of regular company-wide meetings, whereas those from external ventures may participate on special occasions. Leaders from both types of ventures engage in periodic meetings with our Chiefs.
We generally do not offer exclusive business opportunities, allowing for a dynamic environment where new ventures can emerge and interact, potentially even in competition with existing ones. Exceptions with temporary exclusivity apply primarily to internal joint ventures.
Status Change
There are provisions for internal ventures to transition to external ones and vice versa, with appropriate fees and changes in ownership. This flexibility allows ventures to evolve and adapt within the unFIX ecosystem.
For internal joint ventures, the unFIX Company signs an agreement with the individual (intrapreneur) who volunteers to lead the venture. For external joint ventures, we sign an agreement with the person(s) or company formally owning the business.
If you have a good idea and you think you can work with us, contact our team.

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the result that it does.”
(Source: W. Edwards Deming)
Improving the company organization design of epharma by using unFIX - structure with 18 bases, organized one unFIX congress and five domains.