It Depends and Everything Is Optional
It might be better if agile frameworks were decomposed into pattern libraries, similar to unFIX. It all depends on context, and everything is optional.

Try: Cheap, Safe, and Fast—Don’t Fail.
You only fail when you waste your money, health, or time. And you fail when you stop trying and learned nothing.

Experience Beats Product and Service
A focus on products is still sub-optimization. The customer cares more about their experience than about your product or service.

Where Is the Customer? Everywhere!
If you choose to include customers in your picture, consider including all external stakeholders. The organization exists to offer a value exchange with all stakeholders, not only customers. Everyone expects to benefit from it.

Balance High Cohesion with Low Coupling
If you make sure that no role and no team can get away with ignoring the needs of their local environments, you end up with a fully optimized organization, where nobody sees the whole picture.

Increase Simplicity, Embrace Variety
We should keep things as simple as possible. Needless complication is undesirable. But reducing variety is not an option.

Manage the System, Lead the People
Organization patterns are good when they promote leadership over management and prioritize the management of systems over the management of people.