Strongly Aligned Base
Base Type
A Strongly Aligned Base offers a cohesive set of products or services with many dependencies between each other.
Base Types: Fully Integrated Base β’ Strongly Aligned Base β’ Loosely Aligned Base β’ Fully Segregated Base
Some Bases consist of multiple value streams offered to customers together, although their production happens to a large extent independently. An example would be a product that you have divided into various components (one per Value Stream Crew) where you can build and deploy the various parts independently.
The Strongly Aligned Base is one of the four kinds of Bases in versatile organization design.
In a Strongly Aligned Base, you need coordination between the Value Stream Crews because the components need to form one cohesive whole. In this case, the value streams don't have to operate with the same cadence (for iterations and increments). However, multiple Facilitation Crews (agile coaches, product managers, technical leads) can still help the Crews with dependencies and with the optimization of the complete solution.
The four types of Bases are inspired by the distinction as offered in the book Networked, Scaled, and Agile: A Design Strategy for Complex Organizations by Amy Kates, Greg Kesler, and Michele DiMartino.
Rules / Constraints
We have not yet defined rules or constraints.

βThe ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.β
(Source: Maya Angelou)
Visual MS is a Spanish business software development group with 114 employees organizing with different Product Type Turfs and scaling up via bases, leagues, and a crowd.