unFIX Visual MS with Product Area Turfs
Visual MS is a Spanish business software development group with 114 employees organizing with different Product Type Turfs and scaling up via bases, leagues, and a crowd.

Draw your Base(s) with the unFIX Plotter
Do you remember the time when you wanted to draw your first Value Stream Crew? Do you also remember the feeling when reality kicked in, and you’ve realized that they expect you to copy and paste shapes from bloody PowerPoint slides? Well, I remember too… That was the point when I swore to resolve this once and for all, by coming up with a digital tool which can plot my organization to a canvas. And that is when the unFIX Plotter was born.

How to unFIX a University
Can a university be unfixed and to what extent does it make sense at all to regard it as an agile, dynamic organization?

unFIX at VRT NU/VRT MAX (Case Study)
When working in an agile context, a lot of the unFIX patterns will probably feel very familiar. They make for a flexible toolkit that can be used to describe a wide variety of organization forms.

Where Is the Customer? Everywhere!
If you choose to include customers in your picture, consider including all external stakeholders. The organization exists to offer a value exchange with all stakeholders, not only customers. Everyone expects to benefit from it.

Coolblue Unfixed (Case Study of a Scale-up)
How does a fast-growing scale-up organize its teams, management, and business units? What does it mean to have agility embedded in company culture? How can you make everything an experiment? Check out the Coolblue case study and learn what you can do to become the next two-billion euro scale-up.

Manage the System, Lead the People
Organization patterns are good when they promote leadership over management and prioritize the management of systems over the management of people.

What Group Types and Sizes Work for You?
Define common group types (depending on context). Understand what drives people in which groups. Figure out which common group sizes work for you.

Let’s Unfix McKinsey’s Helix Organization
Every point McKinsey lists as a difference to a matrix is an almost exact description of a matrix. And that’s fake agile. Or, as some people call it, agile theatre.

Pipedrive Unfixed (Case Study of a Unicorn Company)
Fast-growing scale-ups don't use SAFe or LeSS because such agile frameworks are not agile enough. You don't become a unicorn company in 500 sprints.

The Ministry Group as a Versatile Organization (unFIX Case Study)
This article presents a case study of the Ministry Group in Hamburg, Germany, described in the language of unFIX.

Let’s Unfix Holacracy
You don’t create a happy culture by rolling in the consultants, toppling the autocratic managers, installing a democratic system, and pulling out. I’m not touching a tool that’s so fundamentally flawed.

Let’s Unfix the Spotify Model
The Spotify model was described as a snapshot of what Spotify was doing ten years ago. It’s time to upgrade!

Let’s Unfix Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
As a framework, LeSS offers part organization design and part process flow. It seems to me that LeSS and unFIX are pretty complementary.

Let’s Unfix the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
It is worth investigating how SAFe compares to unFIX. The question keeps coming up, so let's tackle it. What are the differences?

The unFIX Model
It is time for an alternative to SAFe, LeSS, Holacracy, Management 3.0, the Spotify model, and matrix organizations. We need something that takes flexibility to a new level, and that embraces hybrid working as the new normal. Here is my suggestion. I call it unFIX.