Contextualize (Frame)
Innovation Vortex
How did you choose which domain to focus on? How did you decide what is in-scope versus out-of-scope?
Innovation Vortex: Contextualize • Empathize • Synthesize • Hypothesize • Externalize • Sensitize • Systematize
Contextualize (Frame), the first stream of the Innovation Vortex, is about narrowing down innovation to a specific domain. You have to focus on something.
The Contextualize stream should lead you to decide which part of the universe is worth investigating and improving.
You cannot solve all problems in the known universe. You have to focus on something. That means, even before observing people and interviewing them, you need to know which people are going to be relevant to you. Before you can start empathizing with your users, you need to decide who those users could be.
Rules / Constraints
We have not yet defined rules or constraints.
Free book chapter
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“If you look at history, innovation doesn't come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.”
(Source: Steven Johnson)