Time Commitment
The team member has a short-term commitment to the Crew or Forum and dedicates a constant amount of time to it on a regular basis.
Time Commitments: Fixed • Flexible • Temporary • Intermittent
Sometimes, a person contributes to a certain context with a fixed amount of time per week but only for a limited time period, either because the person is only available short-term or because demand for their services is temporary.
An example of this pattern could be an interim teacher at a school temporarily replacing another teacher who is on maternity leave. The temporary teacher knows there is an end date but on a weekly basis, the working hours are quite stable.
Rules / Constraints
This pattern can be combined with other patterns in many ways. We have not yet identified any limiting constraints.
It makes sense for a person in a temporary job to have a number of such engagements in sequence.

“Happiness is closing the gap between your situation and your expectation by moving either point.”
(Source: “Find the Why with Jobs-to-Be-Done”)