Channel Forum
Forum Type
Coordinate work for a specific sales or marketing channel.
Forum Types: Business Model β’ Channel β’ Customer Journey β’ Functional β’ Market β’ Organizational β’ Product β’ Regional β’ Seasonal β’ Technological
Channel Forums (guilds or Communities of Practice) may become vital in the age of multi-platform communication. Designed primarily as a space where individuals come together to exchange ideas, they can play a crucial role in decision-making regarding specific communication channels. Within a large enterprise, diverse Crews may coexist. Forums act as bridges, ensuring a continuous dialogue across all Crews and fostering a more inclusive and collaborative environment.
The beauty of Channel Forums lies in their adaptability. Depending on the current needs and trends, an organization can set up a Forum tailored to a particular communication channel. Be it traditional retail, the expansive world of online communication, physical outlets, or any emerging platform, these Forums provide an arena for discussion, strategy formulation, and decision-making. In an era where communication strategies can make or break businesses, Channel Forums offer a collective, informed approach to navigating the multifaceted communication landscape.
Rules / Constraints
The Forum exists only for discussions and decision-making.
The Forum participants do most of their work on Crews, not on Forums.
Nobody on a Forum is the manager of all Forum members.

βIn nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.β
(Source: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)