Customer Journey Forum
Forum Type
Coordinate work for a specific (step of a) customer journey.
Forum Types: Business Model β’ Channel β’ Customer Journey β’ Functional β’ Market β’ Organizational β’ Product β’ Regional β’ Seasonal β’ Technological
In the rapidly evolving landscape of customer engagement, Customer Journey Forums are emerging as essential platforms. Sometimes labeled as guilds or Communities of Practice, these Forums offer a space where professionals gather to share insights, discuss, and deliberate on specific customer journey segments. Within organizations, different teams or Crews have varied approaches to customer engagement. Forums bridge the potential silos, facilitating discussions that span across many Crews.
A notable aspect of these Forums is their versatility. Recognizing that the customer journey is multifaceted, these Forums can be tailored to address specific stages. Whether the focus is on the initial 'Awareness' phase, the 'Activation' moment when potential becomes tangible, the intricate 'Onboarding' process, or any other pivotal touchpoint, a Customer Journey Forum provides the ideal setting for collaborative decision-making. In essence, they foster a more holistic and unified approach to enhancing customer experience in today's competitive market.
Rules / Constraints
The Forum exists only for discussions and decision-making.
The Forum participants do most of their work on Crews, not on Forums.
Nobody on a Forum is the manager of all Forum members.

βIn nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.β
(Source: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)