Market Forum
Forum Type
Coordinate work for a specific market or market category.
Forum Types: Business Model β’ Channel β’ Customer Journey β’ Functional β’ Market β’ Organizational β’ Product β’ Regional β’ Seasonal β’ Technological
In an era where market dynamics shift rapidly, Market Forums stand out as vital collaborative platforms. Often referred to as guilds or Communities of Practice, these Forums serve as convergence points where professionals across the enterprise come together to share insights, exchange ideas, and make decisions about specific market types. With many teams or Crews operating across the organization, these Forums ensure that knowledge and strategies permeate every segment, fostering a cohesive approach.
The adaptability of Market Forums is commendable. Understanding that different strategies apply to different market types, these Forums can be fine-tuned to cater to any specific market. Whether delving into the complexities of B2B relationships, consumer-focused B2C strategies, the nuances of B2G interactions, or any other market category, a Market Forum is the space for holistic discussions and informed decision-making. By harnessing the collective intelligence of diverse Crews, Market Forums are reshaping how businesses understand and operate within their target markets.
Rules / Constraints
The Forum exists only for discussions and decision-making.
The Forum participants do most of their work on Crews, not on Forums.
Nobody on a Forum is the manager of all Forum members.

βIn nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.β
(Source: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)