Organizational Forum
Forum Type
Discuss work about structures, processes, and ways of working.
Forum Types: Business Model β’ Channel β’ Customer Journey β’ Functional β’ Market β’ Organizational β’ Product β’ Regional β’ Seasonal β’ Technological
In the modern business landscape, the importance of continuous evolution cannot be overstated. This is where Organizational Forums (guilds or Communities of Practice) come into play. These platforms are designed as arenas where professionals gather to discuss, share, and decide on matters concerning organizational structures, processes, and methodologies. With diverse Crews operating across the enterprise, these Forums ensure a seamless and unified approach to organizational development.
What sets Organizational Forums apart is their comprehensive adaptability. Depending on the challenges and needs at hand, a Forum can be customized to address any aspect of organizational design, development, or various methodologies and frameworks. By fostering collaboration and open dialogue, these Forums not only facilitate the adoption of best practices but also drive innovation in the ever-evolving world of organizational dynamics. They symbolize a collective commitment to progress, ensuring organizations remain agile, efficient, and forward-thinking.
Rules / Constraints
The Forum exists only for discussions and decision-making.
The Forum participants do most of their work on Crews, not on Forums.
Nobody on a Forum is the manager of all Forum members.

βIn nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.β
(Source: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)