Scaling Out in the Age of AI

Strategy & Execution

Exploration and Execution Portfolios

(in development)

Format: in-person, online class, or self-paced

Duration: 3 hours

Target Audience: Business Executives and Senior Leaders, Strategic Planners and Business Unit Managers, Innovation Managers and Directors, Change Agents and Innovation Champions, Lean and Agile Coaches and Consultants

Exploration and Execution Portfolios

Exploration and Execution Portfolios

Elevate your project management skills with our comprehensive workshop on Portfolio Management! Discover how to effectively manage multiple projects, develop strategic plans, and implement continuous funding mechanisms to support dynamic portfolios.

We'll start by exploring portfolio management principles and best practices, helping you differentiate between exploration (innovation-focused) and execution (performance-focused) portfolios. You'll then engage in hands-on exercises to categorize your current projects and learn to align business strategy with portfolio management practices. Scenario planning will also be covered to help you anticipate and adapt to market changes, ensuring your portfolio activities align with your overall business strategy.

Next, we'll explore different business models and initiatives within portfolios, and you'll learn how to select and manage these initiatives effectively. We'll also focus on optimizing value streams to enhance portfolio performance, with practical exercises to map out value streams for your own portfolios.

Finally, we'll delve into continuous funding mechanisms and the application of real options thinking to manage uncertainty and investment decisions. You'll also identify and use key performance metrics to evaluate portfolio success, ensuring your projects deliver maximum value.

Learning Objectives:

  • Master portfolio management principles and differentiate between exploration and execution portfolios.

  • Develop strategic plans and use scenario planning to adapt to market changes.

  • Implement continuous funding mechanisms and apply performance metrics to evaluate success.

(draft / tentative)

1. Portfolio Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Exploration and Execution Portfolios

2. Strategic Planning

  • Business Strategy

  • Scenario Planning

  • Strategic Guidance and Alignment

3. Managing Initiatives

  • Business Models

  • Value Streams

4. Performance Metrics and Funding

  • Continuous Funding

  • Bets and Objectives

  • Performance Metrics

We use our popular unFIX cards in all workshops to boost creative gameplay and engaging discussions. Some examples:

unFIX XL: Scaling Out in the Age of AI (mini-workshops)

Master portfolio management principles, align business strategies, and optimize value stream. Learn to differentiate project portfolios, implement continuous funding, and use performance metrics effectively.